If a nuclear weapon is detonated in Ukraine in 2022, within 1 month will there be a kinetic military conflict between NATO and Russian forces causing at least 1 death?
resolved Jan 1

This question will resolve as N/A if no nuclear weapon is detonated in Ukraine after October 3, 2022 and before January 1, 2023, as per the question Will a nuclear weapon be detonated in Ukraine in 2022? If such a detonation occurs, resolves YES if within one month, kinetic military action takes place between a NATO member state and Russian forces, causing at least 1 fatality. Resolves NO otherwise.

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See https://manifold.markets/post/nuclear-risk-forecasting for a dashboard of other nuclear risk questions along with commentary and analysis.

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bought Ṁ50 of NO

Yeah, I don't really expect this to resolve anything other than N/A (given my positions in other markets) but if it were to happen, I still think the US public is majority opposed to direct military intervention. Absent US support, I do not expect the other NATO members to intervene themselves.

bought Ṁ10 of NO

State media does many things. Admitting to any Russia-NATO casualties is not one that ends without nine figures of casualties.

(Supplying weapons, intel, basically all the operational plans to assassinate the Russian office corps, is one thing. Official US/NATO forces and Article V is another.)