Nov 4
more optimistic
more pessimistic
mixed or unclear position
no position

Market will resolve based on the prevailing interpretation of any existing Trump's comments on catastrophic risks from advanced AI.

"More pessimistic" = Based on his statements, Trump will seem to take AI x-risk more seriously than Biden

"Mixed or unclear position" = it won't be possible to reasonably judge in which direction he positions himself in relation to Biden, e. g. because his statements will be contradictory

"No position" = he doesn't say anything that could be interpreted as a position on the danger of AI x-risk

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Republicans and Trump supporters seem most concerned about AI x-risk (themes of AI surveillance, job loss & the digital corporations ruling over us) https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-supporters-christians-most-concerned-ai-threat-humanity-poll-2023-5 https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2022/03/17/how-americans-think-about-artificial-intelligence/
Trump did sign a plan for safe AI, however it's not clear how it compares to Biden's future plan. "[Trump's plan proposed to] maintain approaches for the safe and trustworthy creation and adoption of new AI technologies without stifling innovation." Trump's rivalry with China & businessmen mindset could intensify the fear of stifling innovation https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/ai/ai-american-values/
His advisers wanted to defend Taiwan, if this is credible https://www.thehindu.com/news/international/donald-trumps-former-national-security-adviser-calls-for-closer-ties-with-taiwan/article66792480.ece
Other considerations that could turn up both ways: His ex-relationship with Peter Thiel, Musk's endorsement of DeSantis, conservative critiques of wokeness of GPT (→ distrust of Altman), Trump's conspiracy mindset

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