What percentage of new vehicle registrations in Canada will be plug in electric by the end of 2025?

Question will be resolved according to this dashboard: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/71-607-x/71-607-x2021019-eng.htm, or successor dashboards/Statistics Canada data if the above dashboard no longer works. "Plug in" means battery-electric or plug in hybrid. Will resolve to prob, according to Q4 2025 data.

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Updated data for q3 2023: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/en/daily-quotidien/231211/dq231211e-eng.pdf?st=VBQKpEzJ

Figures coming in higher than I expected, +43% y/y for BEVs, but +170% for PHEVs, which at the moment is the largest of the two.

My basic guess right now is taking the most recent data we have and guessing a ~50% annual growth rate.

I've placed some limit orders at 20 and 35%, and would be interested if anyone would care to take me up on those. Can't back it with much mana yet, but as I can, I will. If anyone else has suggestions for how to drive participation, I'm open to them.

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