I hereby commit to reading the top 2 books suggested by this market. I will resolve this market to whichever of those two I like best. If you suggest something I've already read or that I want to veto for whatever reason, I'll add a comment to say so before you put real mana on it. Things related to Beeminder somehow could be good candidates. I'm currently reading _The Elephant in the Brain_ and enjoying it. I'd call that vaguely Beeminder-relevant in that it involves what you actually do vs what you endorse doing. I'm also a fan of ridiculously erudite but gripping sci-fi.
@JustifieduseofFallibilism Absolutely excellent comic about Bertrand Russel and Mathematics read here: profesorvargasguillen.files.wordpress.com/2013/11/logicomix.pdf
@JustifieduseofFallibilism Ah! I didn't notice this late entry. But of course I've already read this (twice!). It's amazing.