Stories of Your Life and Others (Ted Chaing)
Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid (Douglas Hofstadter)
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Douglas Adams)
Thrawn (trilogy by Timothy Zahn)
Magic is Programming (Douglas M, Royal Road)
Permutation City (Egan)
The selfish gene (Richard Dawkins)
The Ruins of Ambrai (Melanie Rawn)
A Deepness in the Sky (Vernor Vinge)
Leviathan Wakes (James S. A. Corey)
Gideon the Ninth (Tamsin Muir)
Sixteen Ways to Defend a Walled City (KJ Parker)
A Wizard of Earthsea (Ursula K. Le Guin)
The Player of Games (Iain M. Banks)
Little Brother (Cory Doctorow)
This Used to be About Dungeons (Alexander Wales)
Vampire Flower Language (Angela Castir)

I've provided a link to a Google sheet with a ranking of most of the books I've read over the past few years. They are ranked approximately by, "If my memory of this book was totally erased, how much would I enjoy reading it again?". The dividing line between "Books I really like" and "Books that are okay" is at Algorithms to Live By, which is currently rank 35. A book only needs to be better than AtLB to resolve YES, the actual numerical ranking spot of 35 does not matter.

I rank series together when the quality stays roughly the same or improves through the series, I rank them separately when I feel quality drops through a series. If you suggest a first book in a series, and I enjoy the rest of the series, it will get extra points; if I don't like the rest of the series, it will get negative points, at my subjective discretion. I both read books and listen to audiobooks; if you think a book is a signficantly better in one format I can use that format.

Major factors affecting rank include:

  • Ease of reading, i.e simple and entertaining prose that does not trip me up or bore me. Mother of Learning, I'm Glad my Mom Died and Rock Falls, Everyone Dies did very well on this metric.

  • Entertaining and exciting content, i.e it makes me want to consistently turn the page to read more. HPMOR, The Last Horizon, and Different: Gender Through the Eyes of a Primatologist did very well on this metric.

  • Informative content, i.e it teaches me true facts about the world, especially on topics I enjoy or find useful and haven't seen elsewhere. The Elements of Computing Systems, Shake Hands with the Devil, and Behave: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst did well on this metric.

  • Being a good conversation piece, both for online and/or in real life, such as classics, both traditional and online classics. A Song of Ice and Fire and Worm did very well on this metric. This metric is by far the lightest factor I evaluate on but still has some influence on rank.

Reading Order

I reserve the right to read the books in any order I want to, but I will generally roate through books using this schedule:

  1. Book from the list with the most traders

  2. Book from the list with the highest %

  3. Book from the list at random using RNG

I will commit to reading at least 50 pages of any book before resolving it "no". I do not need to finish a book before giving it "yes", in particular for non-fiction where a portion of it is really good and another portion is not useful or informative and I leave it unfinished. I read through roughly four books at the same time, one at my home PC, one at work, one on my phone, and one on Audible.

Arbitary specific preferences of mine:

  • My favourite fiction genre is fantasy, I'm okay with sci-fi but like it much less than the average nerd

  • I love evolutionary psychology done right, but evolutionary psychology done wrong is a huge turn off

  • I'm in the Canadian military and enjoy books on the topic

  • I'm economically libertarian, books where socialists are automatically good guys and corporations are automatically bad guys is a turn off

  • I love litRPGs, but not when it's literal "set in a video game" or "transported to a video game world" litRPGs, then it's a big turn off

Feel free to add suggestions. I've taken answers from top predicted books on similar markets, although most similar markets look for fiction and I'm open to non-fiction. I will not bet because it is subjective resolution.

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I finished Cordyceps. I rank 60 on my list. Not a terrible book, but I found the protagonists kinda dumb and annoying, and I've read stories with infohazards before so that wasn't a mindblowing gimmick.

@mongo I will now begin Stories of Your Life and Others as the next most traded book, to read on my phone.

I am reading GEB as a paperback because it apparently doesn't exist as a good ebook. I started reading Cordyceps on my phone.

I have begun Godel, Escher, Bach(as the most traded book) and Permutation City(as the next highest % book) a little earlier in the day. I am listening to Permutation City as an audio book. I expect to finish Permutation City within the month. I'm not sure how long it'd take to finish GEB.

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