Resolves YES if @harfe remains in 5th place in the Manifold Plays Chess group's 🏅Top traders leaderboard after game 3 ends and its related markets are resolved (will extend the close if needed), and NO otherwise.
@harfe is the creator/administrator of the decision-making market structure for game 3 and subsidized at least Ṁ4200 for the free response markets used to nominate move candidates, which unfortunately shows up as losses for them. Currently in 5th place with Ṁ1117 in profits, they're followed very closely by @AndrewHebb with Ṁ1098 profit.
Main game market:
Potential last move conditional market:
Potential game extension "blunder move" conditional market:
Number of moves market:
Seems @AndrewHebb took fifth place from @harfe, llikely thanks to this very market’s unrealized profits… ahh this self-referential muck keeps creeping up today. So resolves NO.
@deagol I thought about exploiting that self-referential thing. But it would have been risky. And I would have needed a bit more capital and would have needed to delay the game (eg by not resolving markets), which would have maybe not been the most ethical decision.