Last price: 2024-Jun-07 $196.89
(will try to update major moves or every Friday after Nasdaq close)
Resolves YES if AAPL trades >= $200 without having first traded <= $100
Resolves NO if AAPL trades <= $100 without having first traded >= $200
during any regular (9:30am-4pm ET) or half-day (1pm early close around some US holidays) Nasdaq trading session after market creation (2023-Feb-12).
Will extend closing date as needed. Reference is publicly-quoted intraday high/low, adjusted for any future stock splits (e.g. if it splits 2:1 at $180 then quoted prices next day would be $90 post split but would not cause it to resolve NO since reference price for this market would be x2).
Extended it to Feb 3. Will do so month by month since the price is close to one of the extremes.
after the first misstep, maybe a wider range is better