Will Tower ever make his infamous conversion posts?

You know the ones.

They have to be published on a stable site, not just on Discord, and Tower must agree that they are intended to be The Posts. If it's a multi-post series, he must post all of them.

Resolves YES if he makes the posts. Resolves NO if he announces that he no longer intends to make them, or dies.

See also:

Close date updated to 2024-01-01 3:59 pm

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@charlie Can you please resolve?

@traders is this possible to resolve? any proof if so?

predicts NO

@SirCryptomind I think probably it just needs its close date updated again, since it's an "ever" question.

predicts YES

@SirCryptomind I agree with @Alicorn . Tower's still alive, and AFAIK is still expressing the possibility of making them someday.

Thank you both for your input. I appreciate it!

predicts YES

I've updated the close date to a more accurate one. @SirCryptomind I think it would be a good policy to read market descriptions before asking the creators to resolve; doing so here would have made it clear this market doesn't need to resolve yet.

@IsaacKing I read it, I just did not understand the topic, so lately if the creator does not respond, I ask the traders, and that has fixed a lot of markets that closed too early.
Thanks for the assistance though, much appreciated.