In what year will Tower make his infamous conversion posts?
Jan 2

You know the ones.

They have to be published on a stable site, not just on Discord, and Tower must agree that they are intended to be The Posts. If it's a multi-post series, then the date of the last post in the series is the relevant one.

If Tower announces that he no longer intends to make The Posts, or dies without making them, the market resolves to 2100.

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Get Ṁ200 play money
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bought Ṁ20 of LOWER

@charlie , did you mean to tag this as ""? I'd tag it as Glowfic instead, since it's related to that community even though not technically to glowfic itself.

(On top of that, the DGG group is unlisted ie. hidden on the front page for non-members.)

@EvanTh huh i don't think i tagged it?? can people tag other people's markets?

@charlie anyway, fixed
