Conditional on Tower writing his infamous Catholicism posts in the next year, will they convert at least one person in the year following?
resolved Dec 3

If Tower does not write and publish his full series of conversion posts by Oct 13, 2023, the market closes as N/A.

If he does publish them by the deadline, the market will remain open for 1 year following the publishing of the last post, or until someone converts to Catholicism and agrees that the posts were a nontrivial contributing factor in their decision.

The convert can't have already have been Christian (raised Christian is fine). Agnostic, atheist, or of a non-Christian religion are all acceptable. If someone is actively going through the RCIA process when the year runs out, I'll count it.

Close date updated to 2023-10-13 11:59 pm

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@traders Creator appears inactive. Did the posts get written? Should this resolve Y or N? Resolve N/A? Should the close date be extended?

@charlie Any updates?

predicted YES

@charlie , did you mean to close this market?

predicted NO

@EvanTh Good catch. Fixed!

bought Ṁ10 of YES

Who is Tower?

predicted NO

@GeorgeVii A person of my acquaintance.

predicted YES

@charlie I see. So they do not have a current blog you'd want to reveal? Just curious.

predicted NO

@GeorgeVii He doesn't have one, no, he's just been promising the posts for ages.