
Lucifer vs God

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How does this resolve if @Mira_ defeats both before Lucifer and God are finished fighting eachother? Resolves NO I guess, since it's Mira winning and not Lucifer?

Can this market resolve YES only if it can be proven that Satan exists? 😂

predicts NO

@Mattfr please do not invoke any "ancient ones".

At risk of drawing more attention to this market, I've made this

predicts NO

@PlasmaBallin I have no idea how it will resolve. If it let me choose 3000CE, I would have chosen that one. Just want something there so we all know the score.

So, Satan or Lucifer?

predicts NO

@a2bb Evil personified, however named.

bought Ṁ6 of YES

Skibidi toilet

bought Ṁ35 of YES

The resolution date having been reached. Point will be awarded for every soul/hour of human influence. There is/will be a general vibe and we'll all know.

What are the resolution criteria?

predicts YES

@PlasmaBallin The resolution date having been reached. Point will be awarded for every soul/hour of human influence. There is/will be a general vibe and we'll all know

@PlasmaBallin I have no clue what this guy is talking about

bought Ṁ40 of NO

@PlasmaBallin A soul/hour is a unit of psychical possession time for an entity to engage in influence over a human's behavior. The true answers to who is winning or what constitutes a point for either side is the material covered in the corpus of world holy texts. Feel free to substitute other paragons of the good vs evil duality as it suits your personal cultural background.

@PlasmaBallin I think he said "The resolution date having been reached. Point will be awarded for every soul/hour of human influence. There is/will be a general vibe and we'll all know"

@bingobongo presumably time spent following Christianity, Islam, Judaism etc counts as points towards God, and time following devil worship counts as points towards Satan, but do Buddhism, polytheistic religions, and atheism also count towards Satan or to neither?

@bingobongo also could the general vibe be settled by a Manifold user poll?