Will California AI regulation bill SB 1047 become law this session?
Sep 2

California Senator Scott Weiner of SF has introduced the bill (https://twitter.com/Scott_Wiener/status/1755650108287578585, https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=202320240SB1047).

This bill would regulate AI systems in various ways.

Will it become law by the time the legislative session ends?

This resolves YES if SB 1047 becomes law as a substantively similar bill. I wouldn't count it if it is gutted so much that it now essentially does nothing, but mostly I will let lesser changes stand.

This resolves NO if SB 1047 does not become law by the deadline and the session is over. If the session runs late the deadline will be extended.

Note that this applies only to SB 1047, if another similar bill is introduced and passes that would not count (it seemed too messy to worry about edge cases).

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anyone wanna summarize the bill in the comments?

Good market! I would suggest editing the title to make it clear the bill is about regulating AI.


Very important question, on whether this piece of AI legislation introduced in the CA senate will get enacted - would love to see thoughts and bets by y'all!

bought Ṁ10 YES

@Austin Great market. Wiener is an effective legislator, I wouldn’t count him out.

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