Will the next UK National Risk Register include risks from artificial intelligence?
resolved Sep 25

The 2020 edition included 'cybersecurity', which I would not count here, unless it is specifically clarified that this includes risks from artificial intelligence committing cyber-crimes (whether it is agent-like or directed).

I also would only count something along the lines of 'undermining the democratic process' if it was specifically clarified that this included risks from an artificial intelligence, eg by producing large quantities of misinformation.

Happy to discuss clarifying this further.

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I received no disagreements, and as I think 'identified in main results, explored in any detail, or included in the risk matrix' is the spirit of what I intended, rather than simply being mentioned in the document, I will resolve 'no'. I have no stake in the market.

Please let me know any disagreements about this which I will take into account in future.

Here's the risk register.

AI is acknowledged in the methodology section as being relevant for both chronic and acute risks, but is not identified in the main results, explored in any detail, or included in the risk matrix. Inclusion in the main results/matrix is what I originally meant in my question. I think therefore that this should resolve 'no'.

Does anyone disagree with that? Please let me know what you think and why.

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