What percentage of people believe that sentient robots/AIs do not exist? (Per 2024 AIMS survey)
Less than 40%
40% - 42%
42% - 44%
44% - 46%
At least 46%

What percentage of people will respond "No" to the question "Do you think any robots/AIs that currently exist (i.e., those that exist in [Year]) are sentient?", as opposed to either "Yes" or "Not sure"? This will be determined by the responses to the Sentience Institute's next AIMS survey which asks this question, assuming one occurs during 2024. If no such AIMS survey with this question occurs in 2024, this will resolve to N/A. If multiple such surveys are run, this question will resolve to the number from whichever survey is run first.

Previous AIMS surveys asked this question in 2021 and twice in 2023. In these rounds, the responses to the question were 44.8%, 41.7%, and 43.2% for "No", respectively. (The "Yes" responses were 15.8%, 18.3%, and 19.4%.)

Note: The options' upper bound percentage numbers are non-inclusive. 40% - 42% means at least 40% and less than 42%.

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