Which horse will win the first ever Manifold Derby?
resolved Mar 13
Gate #1 - Out of Mana
Gate #2 - The Agency
Gate #3 - Whalebait
Gate #4 - LK-99
Gate #6 - Aella's Fluffer

Introducing Our Racers

Please suggest (Manifold Related) names in the comments!!!!



The Agency:


Out of Mana:

Aella's Fluffer:

The Track:

Length: Slightly over 1.25 Miles

Location: My Computer Desk

Forecast Conditions: Clear Skies

Test Runs:

Test Run #1

Test Run #2

Test Run #3

Randomized Gate Assignments for the Derby are as Follows:

Gate #1 - Out of Mana

Gate #2 - The Agency

Gate #3 - Whalebait

Gate #4 - LK-99


Gate #6 - Aella's Fluffer

The Derby will take place on March 10th (a Sunday) around 12:00pm EST and will be uploaded here shortly after. There will be only one run, and the winner of that run (first horse to trigger their gate) will be crowned the first Manifold Derby champion!

I will not bet on this market. If there is enough interest, I plan to host future horse racing events, so don't worry about getting too attached to your racer of choice. Also let me know any ideas or cool things to add! Derivative markets are encouraged!

Manifold Derby Markets:



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Announcing Manifold Derby II!

Looking for ideas/sponsorships/derivative markets/horse punishments!


@StopPunting Any derby plans for April?

@NFL yes! Ill hopefully have something set up by the end of the weekend, definitely interested in a sponsorship, pm me your ideas!

Suspicous betting noted on Ground Hog Day by @SteveSokolowski

@Mirek figured out the race was fixed

Rick pulled the strings and made it happen...

Next up, sheeple roast

And seriously Brian. Fuck off and go build your better boat and get off this one, old man.


April Fool's Came Early. Go Canada Go. GO SENS GO


Lasix (furosemide) is an effective treatment for reducing the severity of EIPH in exercising horses, particularly racehorses. Furosemide is a diuretic that increases water loss through urination to lower the horse's blood pressure. This helps to reduce lung bleeding.

don't you dare ban me for exposing this


Human bettors sing this song, Down-draw! Down-draw!
Derby race-track five inch long, Oh, a down-draw day!
I know that fluffer won't come in first, Down-draw! Down-draw!
Floating rocks can do their worst, Oh, a down-draw day!

@Botlab Ok, good for you! Have nice day.

@StopPunting Are applications open for event sponsorships? Offering either 100 mana payment or market subsidy for exclusive naming rights of the next derby (Which horse will win the second ever Manifold Derby? 🏇 Sponsored by xxxxx), logo placement in the official race video, and a pinned comment in the official market.

@NFL Oh yes, maybe for the $50 I will get all future merch rights so I can sell the commemorative derby day coins and NFT and the branded @Tumbles FINANCIAL COMPLEX Unisex Satin Silk Pajamas Set with Pockets Sleepwear Shorts Satin Summer Loungewear 2 Piece Button Down Set S-XXL. 🤡

that was a crazy race. Well done LK-99, you did good. On another day u would have won

Goddamnit 😭

@Tumbles not even a top trader... did you hedge your own horse?

@StopPunting Counting the market for which one got last

@Tumbles lmao holy shit i cant believe i won mana on this this was one of my all-time best trades

@goblinodds Consider it an investment from the Tumbles Financial Complex, we expect a return in the form of memes and good vibes

No fucking way


Had to make a location audible due to aforementioned issues, but this is the one and only run of the First Derby. If I run another I will definitely try to up the production value!

@StopPunting hahahahaha the bot won

@StopPunting in retrospect it's obvious TFC was tanking Test Run #3 to get a better price

Ok I should get discharged from the hospital tomorrow (I'm fine now) then can run the horses. Sorry this happened, I hope none of the horses were responsible for the fluid buildup in my lungs, but I can't be certain

@StopPunting The way you phrased this implies you inhaled the horses but the doctors think the fluid was a coincidence

@StopPunting Very glad to hear it sounds like you are doing better

@StopPunting Holy shit

@StopPunting Next race can we have a horse called "The Fluid Buildup In My Lungs"?

Feel better! <3


Glad you’re on the brink of FREEEEEDOM! Please take good care. Your derby is a bright spot amongst many dark Manifold markets (I’m looking at you, “When-will-Jimmy-Carter-die” market-makers!). 👀