In 5 years, will we see "dozens of cures every month as opposed to every few years"?

Full quote from Demis Hassabis in this article: "I think in the next five years, we will start seeing the first cures and drugs for really terrible diseases. And I think it’ll be an order of magnitude quicker. So I could imagine a world in five to ten years where we’re getting dozens of cures every month as opposed to one every few years. Cancer and neurodegeneration and so on. I can see a path to that, having done AlphaFold."

Judging will be subjective by me unless someone comments with a better way to operationalize it that's not extremely onerous to measure.

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What counts as "a cure" here, given the long path from promising research to clinical trials to public availability? A crisp definition is probably out of reach, but having a rough outline or some examples of what would count or not would be helpful.

@jcb any ideas on definitions?