On 12th June, almost 9,000 subreddits went dark as a protest due to changes being proposed by Reddit.
The changes went into force and some of the subreddits (including subreddits with millions of subscribers) have remained dark to express their opposition.
We've had markets up on how long it will take 75% to come back up - we originally thought that this might happen within a few days but the rate of reopening slowed down futher and further and it was eventually hit on 3rd July.
Now we're looking at how long it will take for 80% of the subreddits to come back.
How much longer will it take to hit 80%?
This market will use the data at https://reddark.untone.uk/ as the resolution criterea. They are currently stating that "1817/8829 subreddits are currently dark" - 20.6%. If this figure ticks below 20%, the market resolves to YES.
The deadline is Wednesday 23rd August July at 22:00 UK time (the closing time of the market).
Resolution notes:
If the main Reddark site is down or unavailable, we will use https://reddark.io/ as a backup. If both are unavailable, I will attempt to resolve to the spirt of the market (eg. resolving YES if the sites are taken down because the protest is over and everything is reopened, resolving NO if it is very clear that those sites would show that the subreddits are still dark if they were available) or N/A if it's not possible to do so.
Need 4 more (0.667 Per Day)
Need 8 more (1.129 Per Day)
It's 1765/8829 for anyone following along
Edit: misunderstood you, you're just stating what the 80% threshold is.
29 needed for 80% (3.13 Per day)