Will Manifold be significantly better calibrated on September 1st?
resolved Sep 2

Right now, using the current trade sampling methodology on our calibration page, Manifold has a Brier score of ~0.172.

Criteria: On or about September 1st 2023, I will programmatically draw 10 samples. If 5 or more out of 10 samples have Brier scores less than 0.17, this market resolves YES. (Results only valid using the current methodology. If we switch to using something else or I have no easy way to calculate the Brier score using the same approach, this resolves N/A.)

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predicted NO

Manifold's calibration score hasn't improved using this methodology...but it has if you filter out nonpredictive markets, which you can do from @wasabipesto's calibration site!

bought Ṁ300 of NO

My take: the probability of this happening is less than 5%.

Why I believe this: The vast majority of times when I check the calibration page, the Brier score is more than 0.17. Today I did this more systematically, and all 5 out of 5 samples had Brier higher than 0.17 (in fact, higher than 0.171). I'd estimate the frequency of <0.17 samples is maybe 0.1, and would be quite surprised if it was more than 0.2. Even if the frequency was 0.2, the probability of the market resolving YES would be just 3.3%.

(Why I share this now: I'm already heavily invested in the market and am running out of liquidity - I wouldn't mind if the market started to agree with me and I could take some of my mana out.)

predicted YES

Seeing below 0.17 again :)

predicted YES

Do we have an easy method of drawing ten samples? If not, can you do an interim one?

It was showing me 0.169 the other day and that seemed significant enough for me to update a bit towards it being possible.

It looks like there's pretty good alpha for a bot that just buys a smidgen of NO in every market.

predicted NO

I feel like most* markets get calibrated to within about 10% of reality within single-digit numbers of betters. Once it’s roughly calibrated, there’s less profit to be made usually(but not always)

predicted NO

@JohnSmithb9be I’m not actually sure I can explain why I feel this way so if anyone who’s a stats expert can critique this opinion I would welcome it!

bought Ṁ5 of YES

Reasons why calibration might improve:

  • We grow and have more users trading in markets.

  • We continue to unlist whalebait and non-predictive markets (which tend to be less calibrated).

  • More people create bots and bot trading algorithms get better (partially a function of having more training data)

@SG Increasing users might actually decrease reliability. Probably some growth is good, but growth that is too fast I suspect will lure in what we call "dumb money" in betting market circles.

@AaronKreider Dumb money just means more profit for the rest of us 😋