Using Google trends:
Kubeflow (Topic) vs mlflow (topic) vs SeldonCore vsBentoML vs Argo Workflow
Alternate list (since Google Trends only allows 5 at one time)
Kubeflow (Topic) vs mlflow (topic) vs Data Version Control vs Polyaxon vs Cortex Labs
I will update the various Google trends to lists here on this market the relatively most popular applications over time.
"The end of 2024," will be taken to mean a moving average of a quarter, so basically all of Q4 of 2024.
Further Resolution Criteria Notes:
Resolution criteria must measure trends based upon the Search Topic not the Search Term, unless there is some extenuating circumstance where Google Trends did not for some wild reason take into account a clearly popular discrete platform as a topic, but it does register as a search term (and clearly not being mixed in with other Search terms).
Note: 20230329 - changed https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%205-y&geo=US&q=Kubeflow,Seldon%20Core,MLFlow,BentoML,BentoML&hl=en
to https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%205-y&geo=US&q=%2Fg%2F11hyt6jz5m,Seldon%20Core,%2Fg%2F11rrjrxggb,BentoML,Argo%20Workflow&hl=en to reflect MLFlow and Kubeflow as topics rather than search terms which are measured differently on Google Trends. There are no topics listed for the other ML Workflow platforms listed that I can tell at the moment. This is indicative of these particular terms not registering as topics yet.
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