Will the US Supreme Court overturn gay marriage [Obergefell v. Hodges] before 2023?
resolved Jan 1
Sorry, for the remake, I wrote it poorly yesterday.
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Yo that's not how the Court works, man. There's got to be an actual case they hear, they don't just do stuff. And there's no case pending right now that would overturn Obergefell. The chance here is basically 0%.

@MattP Yeah no cases until next October

@pc123 I mean other than the ones scheduled for this term.

bought Ṁ100 of NO
I don't think there's enough time for such a case to get to the supreme court and be resolved by end of year.
bought Ṁ20 of YES
I don't have the liquid cash to spend on this cuz I'm a bad trader, but I'm a fairly okay predictor on metaculus (ahh, the failings of prediction markets vs just prediction tracking, hiding that I am okay at figuring out what predictions to parrot but terrible at getting there first and prone to large bad trades.) but I think this is 90% probability by voting day 2024.
bought Ṁ10 of YES
Hedge. 100% of my proceeds will go directly to LGBTQ charities if this market resolves yes.

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