[Experimental]: @Mira's Guessing Game
resolved Oct 23
Mira is more of an introvert than an extrovert
Mira is human
Mira is alive
Mira already applied for a job in OpenAI
Mira's phone number is a North American Numbering Plan number (ie when formatted with a plus for international it starts with +1)
Mira has friends
Mira is older than 25 years old
Mira is younger than Eliezer Yudkowsky
Mira has created AI catgirls
Mira prefers using multiple monitors at the same time
You know how to write code in assembly
Mira is awesome.
Mira has played and enjoyed Factorio
Mira is +-2 years the age of gwern (https://gwern.net/)
Mira likes Haskell
Mira never tried BDSM
Mira believes that emacs is superior to vim
Mira was born with a penis
Mira's phone number's last digit is greater than 5
Mira is not a fish

Here's how this works:

  • Anyone can submit a free response option in the form of a guess that they have about @Mira . It can be about anything - guesses about my music taste, my research interests, my sleep habits, etc.

  • Try to guess something that's not already known about me.

  • I can resolve options N/A if I don't want to answer them.

  • Otherwise, I'll resolve to YES if the guess was right, NO if the guess was wrong, and PROB if it was partly right and partly wrong.

  • Between the option being submitted and me actually seeing and resolving it, you (and other traders) can spend mana to try to make a profit. If you're confident in a guess, buy YES - if you think someone has it wrong, buy NO. For obvious reasons, I won't bet on the options before resolving then. I'll check once per day(after loans refresh) so there's time to bet on the options.

  • This continues indefinitely, because the market doesn't close when I resolve an individual option.

Have at it!

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Mira is +-2 years the age of gwern (https://gwern.net/)

wow first time hearing of gwern.net - beautiful concept

I am genuinely surprised by this one

Hello all. Since this hit the 100 answer limit, I made a followup market at /Mira/experimental-miras-guessing-game-2

I'm going to NA the IQ option and close this out just because there's already /Mira/whats-my-iq-08ed99988374

@Mira I have been trying to add "Mira's #1 favorite anime is Gabriel Dropout" for a few days now but the god of Manifold have been 403ing the POST request. Can you or someone else add it for me please.

@SavioMak I had the same experience adding in options for my guessing game yesterday!

@firstuserhere I found the issue from f12 debugging. "Cannot add an answer: Maximum number (100) of answers reached."

Time for a new market?

damn we can basically clone your personality now

@levifinkelstein Already done


He writes like this, and several people have said "it's like talking to you, Mira".

Also, there's still M340 in the bounty for talking to him:


Mira averages >7.5 hrs of daily sleep

8-11 hours, judging from gaps in my browser history for the last week.

Mira has created AI catgirls

I trained an Stable Diffusion model on drawings of myself( /Mira/will-i-succeed-in-training-a-stable ), and it can do catgirls. You can download the model yourself here.

Have some AI catgirl Mira, at a beach.

An earlier variant would generate cats everywhere in every image because I had too many catgirl Miras in the training data, so I took them out. I need to train a new model sometime on DALL-E 3 outputs and fixing a bunch of issues. This one was just a first pass to get the process down, and it could be a lot better.

Do I resolve the "has Mira been to a beach?" options to 50% now, because AI catgirl Mira has now been to an AI beach? 🤔

@Mira I might create some AI Satania catgirls too.

This might be changing. I found a good entrance to a local park that I hadn't realized was there, and the last 3 days I took a 1 hour walk.

I missed a good chance to resolve this 69%.

Not currently, but I'll sometimes park money in REITs, telecom stocks, and utility companies if I don't otherwise have any strong investment theses.

I exited all of these when it looked like interest rates were likely to rise, so even cash was preferable to "dividend stocks". Would not want to be holding Verizon for the last year or two... Hopefully any Redditors that like to copy my trades but didn't get the memo to sell will forgive me. Next time I'll include a "this is not financial advice" disclaimer for you.

Mira likes python snake

I feel like I need 100 of these, but I also feel like they're overpriced at $40k each and if I just wait a year or two, Apple or AMD or Groq or Graphcore are going to release PyTorch-compatible hardware that's competitive and a lot cheaper.

So I don't really want to buy datacenter cards right now. Renting is the way to go.

I almost resolved this one NO, but I remember I wrote a story in middle school.

The setting was something like: In the future, the Earth's core houses a massive computer system that controls everything on the planet from the climate, to the strategic planning for large-scale projects like particle accelerators in space. There's still humans, but they live on the surface as a sort of nature reserve and don't really have any long-term agency. The AI barely talks to them or notices them.

The "adversary" in my story is aliens from another dimension. And the specific way that the dimensions are crossed, is that if you heat something up to ridiculous levels, all the dimensions sort of collapse to a point(because temperature is degrees of freedom, and at the hottest temperature there is only one configuration). And in my story, there was 23 dimensions in string theory(I didn't actually know string theory, they were just an excuse to have a lot of dimensions), and whenever it would cool down from this superheated point, the differential change on each dimension was randomized: So it would sort of randomly grow into different dimensions, and the equation would have a preference for up to 3 dimensions that already had probability allocated.

But there were these aliens from a different 4-dimensional subspace that figured out the RNG for which dimensions the configuration space expands into first, and used it to transmit agents between the dimensions to affect our subspace.

So the AI has to figure out this new physics while it's under attack from aliens that otherwise don't give any signal as to how they got into the universe. And the aliens set up replicators once they get a foothold, and then there's this whole universe-wide war.

Too bad I don't have the story anymore though. But it would count, since at the very beginning of the story almost as a footnote, the humans are already disempowered.

I'm not the chair of the Very Large Minnows, but I am its most important member.

@Mira Why did you capitalize the characters VLM in the middle of your sentence?

I don't do any drugs. Except an unhealthy amount of caffeine sometimes.

@Mira What amount do you consider unhealthy (in your context)

@firstuserhere Sometimes I'll have 4-5 pots of coffee in a day(1 pot = 12 cups) and an energy drink. Sometimes I'll have a headache from caffeine(hopefully after finishing whatever I was doing), so I'll spend a couple days drinking 2-3 liters of water a day and nothing else.

@Mira I'd personally prefer caffeine in pill format unless you really like the taste for this amount (i roughly consume ~60% of your estimate)

50%. No particular dislike of him, so if I'm bored and he begs hard enough....

I would have to be really bored though.

@Mira I'd create a market, but I remember that @Shelvacu didn't particularly like my last one, so 😐