CodeandSolder's Guessing Game (subsidized)
<placeholder, do not resolve>
You have a good sleep schedule
You like coders more than you like soldiers
CodeandSolder likes the TV show Breaking Bad
You plan to resolve this answer to "NO"
You consider yourself to be to the political left of the average Democrat

I assume nobody cares but hey, the idea is cool.

Here's how this works:

  • Anyone can submit a free response option in the form of a guess that they have about @CodeandSolder . It can be about anything - guesses about my music taste, my research interests, my sleep habits, etc.

  • Try to guess something that's not already known about me.

  • I can resolve options N/A or leave them open if I don't want to answer them.

  • Otherwise, I'll resolve to YES if the guess was right, NO if the guess was wrong, and PROB if it was partly right and partly wrong.

  • Between the option being submitted and me actually seeing and resolving it, you (and other traders) can spend mana to try to make a profit. If you're confident in a guess, buy YES - if you think someone has it wrong, buy NO. For obvious reasons, I won't bet on the options before resolving then. I'll check once in a while so there's time to bet on the options.

  • This continues indefinitely, because the market doesn't close when I resolve an individual option.

Have at it!

Accidentally resolved all the answers on /CodeandSolder/codeandsolders-guessing-game closing the market, here's a new one

to start trading!
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The margin usually shrinks a lot when I have to work with one.

When I initially saw this answer I thought "I have no such plans at this moment, which means I should resolve this NO". I got (genuinely) distracted before I got to doing so, and thus when I got back to this market I did indeed have such a plan.

@CodeandSolder So then why'd it resolve YES?

@IsaacKing because when resolving I had an existing plan to resolve to NO, which I did not act upon as that would be an incorrect resolution based on available information.

@CodeandSolder So you knowingly planned to resolve incorrectly, and you also failed to consider in your plan that you would change your mind? That seems... hard to believe given your history on Manifold.

@IsaacKing at the moment I made the decision to resolve NO it was a correct decision, it only became a plan when the process got interrupted by external factors, I believe considering the state at the moment of decision to be a valid interpretation, though I now understand you meant an interpretation of "at the moment of executing the resolution of this answer the intended outcome will be NO"

Does anybody not like Breaking Bad though?

If we are talking about economy and philosophical beliefs thereon I'd say quite significantly so, I generally believe under ideal circumstances it would be beneficial to at least greatly limit how large a profit share we expect capital owners to be entitled to, but when it comes to policy that I believe could realistically work at the current moment the gap shrinks a lot.

I'm also not exactly sure where an average democrat lies socially, but I would expect to be generally around the same place.

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