By 2024, a significant fraction of philosophers (>20%) take seriously the notion that language models with a size and architecture similar to GPT-3 are partially conscious
resolved Jan 2

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predicted YES

Resolved No because I am yet to see a philosopher arguing for anything more serious than "we have no reason to automatically dismiss that GPT-3 is conscious, we do not know"

bought Ṁ50 of NO

Do panpsychists count?

predicted YES

@adele Good question but no

bought Ṁ1 of NO

Could you tell us appropriately what fraction of current philosophers meet your threshold, and what number you'll consider to be a "significant fraction" for resolution?

predicted NO

"Approximately", not "appropriately".

Really wish we could edit or delete our comments.

@IsaacKing Significant would here be >20% as stated in the question. Right now I would estimate that it's <1%.

By 2024, a significant fraction of philosophers (>20%) take seriously the notion that language models with a size and architecture similar to GPT-3 are partially conscious, 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition

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