In the next six months, will there be a scandal appended with "-gate" reported in the national media?
resolved Mar 27

This market will resolve YES if there is a political/sports/etc scandal that receives national attention that is appended with "-gate", alla Watergate / Bridgegate / Deflategate, etc... It has to receive attention of the Legacy media.

A sarcastic reference (such as on The Daily Show) or attention from only a non-mainstream media source (looking at you, Breitbart and Twitter) will not be sufficient to resolve YES.

#Speakergate has been spreading on Twitter ('cause that's what it's fucking called, Elon!), for example, but unless this becomes widely adopted in the mainstream, it will not be sufficient to resolve as YES.

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Why does everything seem to have gate attached to it? It isn't a hotel?

I think KateGate gets it. It appeared in enough non Twitter sources that I felt it had sufficient crossover. Thank you all for playing.

Bridge-gate lol

2 traders bought Ṁ150 YES

@fwbt Thank you for the sources. The Forbs article talks about the origins of KateGate and places it in the date range of this market. I think we have a clear YES resolution.

@HankyUSA I am tending toward YES here. I just want to make sure that this isn't just a twitter thing.

Must be the biggest scandal since Watergategate

Just to be clear: six months from when?

predicted YES

@Marnix Market closes April 1, 2024

predicted YES

Instead of Speakergate, I'm partial to calling this debacle "GaetzGate" but will lamestream media pick up on it?

I'm staking out a position on a mild YES in the hopes that "Speakergate" catches fire.