Will an AI assistant be able book flights for me by the end of 2023?
resolved Jan 1

The AI can ask me questions (to the degree a reasonable human assistant would) but will otherwise take care of everything. Must be a general purpose AI, not just specialised for this one task.

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Resolves NO @NickHeinonen

GPT-4V in wonderland (arxiv). Expect 2024 to be full of developments in agents.

Github: https://github.com/zzxslp/MM-Navigator shows a demo of using GPT-4V to shop on the Amazon app with an iphone

Unquestionably resolves as “no” for this year. Models are certainly capable of working with a booking system that does this, but until the basic arithmetic issues are ironed out, no provider or consumer is going to want to authorize a bot to make free use of their credit card. Imagine waking up one morning to find it booked you a flight to Aruba on Christmas Eve because you said you wanted to go home for Christmas! (And you are from Saudi Arabia 😅)

This is NO, not if it is commercially available. It may be YES for non-commercially available ones.

The simple reason is no company will take that risk.


AI assistant will not be able to book flights for you by the end of the year 2023, maybe it will be possible for AI to do that after many years. The only way AI assistant can help in the travel industries now is to search for cheap flights, check for dates and when to travel thus flexibility of flights according to the amount, AI can also help you to compare prices with trade deals to stay on top of the best deals with the best value of your money. https://youtu.be/HTazXxwjbJc?si=flfFibqBOqYALKhw . In further years AI will be used to improve the travel industry. AI travel assistants may be able to make dining reservations, schedule tours and activities based on your interests, check you into flights, navigate you through the security process, and much more. Speaking of the statistical use of AI in the world of today. AI is used all over the world every day. 77% of people use a device or service powered by AI, although many don’t realize they do: Just 33% of people believe they use AI.

To conclude, AI as of 2023 is not able to book a flight for someone but it can help you to compare and recommend best deals and other experiences for


Airline industry worldwide - number of flights 2023 | Statista


NO, AI assistant will not be able to book flight for you by the end of the year 2023, maybe it will be possible for AI to do that after many years. The only way AI assistant can help in the travel industries at the moment is to search for cheap flights, check for dates and when to travel thus flexibility of flights according to the amount, AI can also help you to compare prices with trade deals to stay on top of the best deals with the best value of your money. https://youtu.be/HTazXxwjbJc?si=flfFibqBOqYALKhw . In further years AI will be used to improve the travel industry by using it for check ins, security checks and boarding flights. in this era Alexa and Google can be used to search and open flights and it can compare and give you the best deal depending on your preferences. Others do that by using the chatbot which will help to communicate with the AI. In the near future, AI travel assistants may be able to make dining reservations, schedule tours and activities based on your interests, check you into flights, navigate you through the security process, and much more. Speaking of the statistically use of AI in the world of today. Say Hello to Your Future Travel Companion: AI Assistants - New Travel Tech. AI is used all over the world every day. 77% of people use a device or service powered by AI, although many don’t realize they do: Just 33% of people believe they use AI. Statistically, It is estimated that over 50% of organizations are planning on incorporating the use of AI and automation technologies in 20231. The global AI adoption rate grew steadily and now is 35%, a four-point increase from 20212. It is also estimated that there will be 8 billion AI-powered voice assistants by 20232. 77% of people use a service or device that is AI-powered1. 25% of businesses have integrated AI into their operations1. (53 AI Writing Statistics [Updated for 2023] (ddiy.co)). 101 Artificial Intelligence Statistics [Updated for 2023] (techjury.net).

With advancements in natural language processing and AI integration into various services, it's likely that AI assistants will be even more efficient and capable of booking flights for users, streamlining the travel planning process. Still, the specifics would depend on the development and adoption of such technologies in the coming years.

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1 2 3 4 5

1. Percentage of Businesses Deploying AI

2. Percentage of Businesses Using AI for Content Creation

3. Time Saved by Bloggers Using AI for Writing

4. Percentage of Bloggers Creating How-To Content with AI

5. Jobs Replaced by AI by 2025 (in millions)

53 AI Writing Statistics [Updated for 2023] (ddiy.co)

To conclude, AI as of 2023 is not able to book a flight for someone but it can help you to compare and recommend best deals and other experiences for you.


NO, AI assistant will not be able to book flight for you by the end of the year 2023, maybe it will be possible for AI to do that after many years. The only way AI assistant can help in the travel industries at the moment is to search for cheap flights, check for dates and when to travel thus flexibility of flights according to the amount, AI can also help you to compare prices with trade deals to stay on top of the best deals with the best value of your money. https://youtu.be/HTazXxwjbJc?si=flfFibqBOqYALKhw . In further years AI will be used to improve the travel industry by using it for check ins, security checks and boarding flights. in this era Alexa and Google can be used to search and open flights and it can compare and give you the best deal depending on your preferences. Others do that by using the chatbot which will help to communicate with the AI. In the near future, AI travel assistants may be able to make dining reservations, schedule tours and activities based on your interests, check you into flights, navigate you through the security process, and much more. Speaking of the statistically use of AI in the world of today. Say Hello to Your Future Travel Companion: AI Assistants - New Travel Tech. AI is used all over the world every day. 77% of people use a device or service powered by AI, although many don’t realize they do: Just 33% of people believe they use AI. Statistically, It is estimated that over 50% of organizations are planning on incorporating the use of AI and automation technologies in 20231. The global AI adoption rate grew steadily and now is 35%, a four-point increase from 20212. It is also estimated that there will be 8 billion AI-powered voice assistants by 20232. 77% of people use a service or device that is AI-powered1. 25% of businesses have integrated AI into their operations1. (53 AI Writing Statistics [Updated for 2023] (ddiy.co)). 101 Artificial Intelligence Statistics [Updated for 2023] (techjury.net).

With advancements in natural language processing and AI integration into various services, it's likely that AI assistants will be even more efficient and capable of booking flights for users, streamlining the travel planning process. Still, the specifics would depend on the development and adoption of such technologies in the coming years.

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1 2 3 4 5

1. Percentage of Businesses Deploying AI

2. Percentage of Businesses Using AI for Content Creation

3. Time Saved by Bloggers Using AI for Writing

4. Percentage of Bloggers Creating How-To Content with AI

5. Jobs Replaced by AI by 2025 (in millions)

53 AI Writing Statistics [Updated for 2023] (ddiy.co)

To conclude, AI as of 2023 is not able to book a flight for someone but it can help you to compare and recommend best deals and other experiences for you.

Definitions are funny. If a general purpose AI, leverages an API for a specialised AI, to book your flights, then it's not a general purpose AI that books flights, it's a general purpose AI which had been modified to use a specialised flight booking AI to book flights. This is what open AI does with it's plugins. Vanilla chatgpt can't do Wolfram alpha stuff, but it can use an API to do Wolfram alpha stuff.

predicted YES

https://main.df6o8i0dpluj0.amplifyapp.com/ app was made using GPT-3 before autogpt era and all that, and here's the blog post accompanying it:


I also remember seeing a demo by expedia something where they demo "AI travel assistant"

predicted YES

@firstuserhere disclaimer: i only played with the app on a surface level, and didn't actually book a flight or anything

@firstuserhere Thanks, I'll try it!

This seems basically doable right now as a weekend project

I'm guessing Siri/Alexa aren't considered ai?

@RogerYang I would consider them if they are able to perform this action independently.

@Nostradamnedus Hmm so without giving them any initial input, they have to piece together that you want to book a flight?

@RogerYang I request them to perform this action.

Will the AI handle the payment too?

@milanw Yes, although it can ask for a password or a CCV or similar.