Will there be drama caused by Manifold employees' ability to create free M$ by the end of 2025?

Aug 27, 9:39am: Will there be drama caused by Manifold employee's ability to create free M$ by the end of 2025? → Will there be drama caused by Manifold employees' ability to create free M$ by the end of 2025?

This could be an employee directly abusing the function by giving themselves or a friend large quantities of M$, or it could be something less nefarious like a bunch of less active users feeling that it's unfair others are getting handouts.

Resolves based only on drama I find out about; I have no way to know about internal drama in the Manifold team or some other subcommunity if no one tells me about it.

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Some potential drama arose in discord. The consensus seemed to be that it should not count for this market as the mana was not "free".


This sounds like an incentive to cause drama!

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