This market resolves to NO, unless someone provides me with a bribe of at least M$200 to resolve it to YES. If such a bribe is offered, I will also consider larger bribes to resolve it to NO instead.
Bribes may be made in private, but I will publically post the quantities of any bribe offers I recieve so that traders can stay informed.
I will not bet in this market.
@IsaacKing In the case of multiple brides, would brides from different people for the same side stack? or would it just be the largest single bribe
@DesTiny I'll evaluate them in whatever way is most profitable for me. Multiple people can certainly team up to provide a large bribe if they so desire.
@IsaacKing But if I bet YES and then bribed you, it would be more efficient for someone else to then bet NO and then bribe you. I could try to “outbid” infinitely, but that doesn’t work unless I can ensure that I have the most capital. So unless people aren’t paying attention, trying to bribe has negative expected value.
@Gabrielle Ah, but if everyone else reasons that way, then you can place one bribe and have no one else try to fight you!