Who will be the best-calibrated person on Manifold at the end of 2023?
resolved Jan 4

If someone runs a script to check everyone, I'll resolve to the result of that script. (Adding an answer as necessary.) If not, I'll check the calibration graphs of everyone who's been submitted as an answer and resolve to the highest. If multiple people are tied, I will wait until the tie is broken and then resolve to that person.

Bots are ignored. Obvious manipulation is ignored. Anyone with less than 20 binary markets bet in and resolved is ignored. If Manifold changes how calibration is calculated, I'll use the old version if it's easily available, and the new version if not.

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I still can't view the graphs; please go upvote this bug report on Discord: https://discord.com/channels/915138780216823849/1170532245497458708

I heard market making and strategic trading hurts your calibration. Therefore a near perfect calibration means you're not using all the tools in the kit and you are not as great of a trader as you could be!

(this comment has nothing to do with the fact that the end of year resolutions dropped my calibration from -0.05 to -1.37)

@Agh My score just got worse. Does that mean I got worse or better as a trader?

@Agh that can’t be real. i’ve made a ton of markets and my callibration has been improving (though it seems like I’m always wrong about how Manifold works).

why would making markets affect a trading-based score?

@mattyb They mean market making not question creation.

The calibration graphs are glitching for me, it won't show me the score. Anyone else wanna confirm that Multivac is correct?

@IsaacKing S score

@TheBayesian Is anyone else tied?

@IsaacKing I don't know, haven't seen anyone else with 0 but I haven't run a script or anything, personally

@TheBayesian I mean of the people who have been submitted as answers.

@IsaacKing won't load for me either for NamesAreHard, firstuserhere, Joshua or NicoDelon. Akzzz123 and bogusuers are getting me 404, pretty sure Akzzz123 deleted his account so bogusuers probably did as well. for the other options, they aren't at -0.00 calibration

I know that is not disallowed by the market but Multivac hasn’t placed a bet in 9 months.

@NicoDelon Yeah, I really should have restricted this to active traders. That's my bad.

What’s even the point?! 😭

@NicoDelon We all know you've got the best calibration. It's just that this is such a noisy metric. I just went fom -0.04 to -0.22 and I have no idea why.

bought Ṁ0 of @ChristopherRandles NO

@Shump Very nice of you but I don’t!

bought Ṁ91 of Other YES

I ran a script. There are 7 users with perfect 0 calibration that qualify, and one of them has over 2k markets in the calibration.

@ducat Who is that???

@BTE Here: pfe.io/top-calibrations.csv. Looks like the second one should be disqualified for obvious manipulation. Third in the list is a bot, leaving 6. But the top one seems pretty legit to me.

Full script and results at https://pfe.io/calibration.zip

For those that don't want to download something

bought Ṁ10 of @Multivac YES
bought Ṁ10 of @ducat YES

@ducat looks like you're new to the site, I suggest simply not making any trades until this market resolves!

bought Ṁ50 of @ducat NO

Yes, don't make any more bets

bought Ṁ25 of @ducat NO

@Joshua He is currently ineligible and probably won't reach 20 resolved markets at the end of 2023.

EDIT: I guess it's unfortunate this info is only in comments and wasn't updated in the description. And the description says 20 markets bet in.

sold Ṁ119 of @ducat YES

@Joshua Haha, thanks for pointing it out but I'm afraid I'm ineligible going by https://manifold.markets/IsaacKing/who-will-be-the-bestcalibrated-pers#6GPWwaD02GhwLw82eHEx. I'm only at 7/20 resolved Y/N markets bet on.

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