If a nuclear weapon detonates in a NATO country in 2022, will >3 million Americans die of Nuclear war?
resolved Mar 22

CONDITIONAL on this market resolving to YES:

resolves to N/A otherwise.


Resolves to YES if >3 million Americans die of nuclear war (in USA territory, within 3 months of the initial strike in NATO).

Resolves to NO if the conditional market resolves to YES, but >3 million Americans don't die of nuclear war (in USA territory, within 3 months of the initial strike in NATO).


In the event of needing a body count, I'll refer to whichever estimates are available. If none are available I'll try to make a reasonable guess. For semi-attributable and delayed-attributable (e.g. some people starving due to infrastructure loss) I'll try to make inclusions if it seems obvious those deaths would not have happened without the nuclear exchange.

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@BTE Dup is broken :/