Will anyone propose marriage via Manifold by 12/31/25?
resolved Nov 21

e.g., creating a market saying "[insert name], will you marry me?" and then including resolution criteria such that whichever way the intended recipient bets the market will resolve.

Quite romantic, as your beloved not only gets a unique and classy proposal story, but also some free profit!

Nov 16, 12:22am: Will anyone propose marriage via Manifold by 2025? → Will anyone propose marriage via Manifold by 12/31/25?

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bought Ṁ200 of YES

Ok, here you go: 😏

@Yev Legendary

I hope whoever does it is very confident, because if you turn down a public proposal like that you probably feel like a jerk

bought Ṁ15 of NO

@Conflux I'm arbitraging the two towards each other because yeah I agree

predicted YES

@Adam you're underrating the potential for a couple to do it as a joke

sold Ṁ20 of NO

@CarsonGale yeah I actually just sold for exactly that reason. currently contemplating doing it to game this market, actually.

predicted YES

@Adam would love to see that - 100% socially acceptable

predicted YES

@CarsonGale Mazel Tov!

bought Ṁ2,000 of YES

@Adam My heart is still a'flutter!

Hopefully this linked market can give a helpful prior to the budding romantic...

Let's not neglect to get some thoughts on how the relationship will proceed from there: