Will 50%+ of the top market creators on Manifold as of Jan 2023 be displaced from the Top 20 list by end of 2024?

My soft intuition is that, as Manifold grows, there will be lasting benefits for market creators that established an early foothold, primarily due to (i) low-hanging market creation fruit, (ii) established trustworthiness, (iii) existing follower count, and (iv) the existing 'Trustworthy.ish' validation system.

Displacement forecasts can test this intuition for the top market creators. Purely on the merits of their markets, you wouldn't expect the 'top 20 market creators' to continue in their position as the user base scales, as there is a larger population base from which to draw new market creators. If there are sticking benefits for early adopters, you might expect to see an unrepresentative proportion of the top market creators continue to be early adopters.

There are, of course, numerous other variables that may displace top creators even with sticking benefits (e..g, top user inactivity, platform adoption by famous users, etc.)

This market resolves positively if 50% or more of the following top 20 market creators are displaced from the Top Creators list by 2024-12-31. If the 'Top Creators' criteria are meaningfully modified, I may decide to resolve the market "n/a".

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Ten of these people (Manifold Markets, ACX Bot, DesTiny, JAAM, Predictor, Lars Doucet, Duncan, The Void, Yev, and Olivia) are no longer on the top 20 list. Can this resolve @CarsonGale?

@Arky careful, some of these accounts have simply been renamed. Not sure if that makes a difference now, but it did last time I checked.

@chrisjbillington Oh good catch. The only ones I’m unsure about are DesTiny (maybe they’re @destiny?) and Duncan.

@Arky DesTiny is memestiny iirc I'm wrong, apparently memestiny is already on this list