The % yes/no of question linked in the description of this question will be less than 2% yes on February 1st 2024
resolved Feb 1

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predicted NO

@Adamlp I thought it was at the end of February 1st that counted because that's when the market closes. I guess we all lose lmao (except Michael's Bot Laboratory)

@Arky Sorry that was unclear, @TonyPepperoni asked for clarification below, yes fail all around .

sold Ṁ233 of YES

Oh wow, this app is silly

Why did it cost me money to sell my position?

@Adamlp Oh maybe it’s because it had to close out the loans that I took while owning the position. Anyway I guess I should have seen how obviously the underlying market can be manipulated for 35 mana to push it back over 2%

predicted NO

@Adamlp I think it’s because you bring the price down when you sell shares so you’re selling them for a loss.

predicted NO

@Adamlp Yeah this type of market is really open to manipulation. If you want to make something similar in the future, I’d suggest randomizing the time when you check the percentage of the quantum computer market so people don’t know when to manipulate it.

predicted YES

Hey @TonyPepperoni , thank you so much for the engagement

To clarify : I will resolve based on whether the linked market is strictly less than 2% at the closest marked to market value to midnight EST between January 31st and February 1st 2024.

When you say less than 2%, does that include 2%? And does it have to be less than 2% for just a moment for this to resolve YES?

repostedbought Ṁ3 of YES
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