Will polio be eradicated before 2027?

Will resolve to YES if the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI), WHO, or another qualified organization certifies the world as being free from polio before 2027.

From https://polioeradication.org/news-post/the-endgame-what-will-it-take-to-eradicate-polio/:

In 2020, GPEI launched a new roadmap to polio eradication, which set out two ambitious targets: firstly to permanently interrupt all poliovirus transmission in Pakistan and Afghanistan, stop transmission of cVDPV and prevent outbreaks in non-endemic countries by 2023. The second target is to certify the world free from polio – meaning no cases have been detected for three years – by 2026.

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it really doesn't seem like 'have a few dozen people spend half an hour guessing at something' (forecasting) is a great technique for actually understanding something complex. it's better than 'have a bunch of people with bad local incentives tell you when it'll happen', but that's a low bar!