What is your opinion on Elon Musk?
resolved Feb 29
Somewhat positive
Somewhat negative
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Answered "Somewhat negative", but essentially think (with low confidence) Elon simply doesn't have the emotional maturity to be in the position he is in, which I think leads to him being a very risky individual

@ElliotDavies he has fallen headfirst into the illusion that being exceptionally good at one, or a few things, makes you generally qualified for everything else. He's very obviusly a good business innovator and from what I have read, actually knows his engineering and rocket physics.

He is, however, entirely terrible at overseeing social media companies (and handling social media in general, dude needs rehab) and politically brain dead. He also seems to be quite garbage as a personal friend, spouse or father and that sentiment drops my vote from somewhat- to full negative.

I am kind of surprised on how balanced this poll is. I was really expecting it to go one way or another.

@soweliSon do another poll - what's your opinion of Elon Musk + are you an entrepreneur?

Chaotic Good

@komplexkonjugat yeah, thats on point