How long will it take to create an app that automatically translates sign language live from a video stream?
Dec 31
less than 2 years
less than 4 years
less than 6 years
less than 8 years
less than 10 years
less than 12 years
less than 14 years
less than 16 years
less than 18 years
more than 18 years

This market will resolve when an app is publicly available on any app store for mobile phone.

Not that it should be an app able to translate from a video stream. The app should be reliable enough to follow and understand a 10min video with only sign language. The app should be able to translate different people at different distance and under different lightning, etc... Models pre-trained to understand a few words signed by a single individual (such as:

) do not count.
The resolution will be established starting from the initial publication of the post (19 of March 2024) and will resolve to one single option as follow: if the app is published at anytime between now and 18 of March 2026, the accepted answer will be two years, between 19 of March 2026 and 18th of March 2028 the accepted answer will be 4 and so on. If no app exists after 19 of March 2042 the market will resolve to more than 18 years .

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@sc can you clarify that this is not coding time - but What year we will have such an app?

@Magnus_ yes, it is not how many year it will take to code the app but how long, starting from now, an app will be available to everyone. Will clarify that in the description tomorrow

bought Ṁ1 less than 2 years YES

Does it resolve to the closest or all lower values?

@TheAllMemeingEye I would say lower values but open to other options if there are good arguments for it!

bought Ṁ4 less than 10 years YES

@sc Thanks, sounds like we should turn this into a sigmoid curve then :)

@TheAllMemeingEye ok i changed my mind and finally went for 'less than', cf my explanation in the description and updated ! hope that's clearer now!

@sc does it resolve to a single option or all options lower than the value?

@TheAllMemeingEye a single option (from the lower + one day to the option)

sold Ṁ15 less than 2 years YES

@sc right, I stand corrected, we probably want a Gaussian then

@TheAllMemeingEye more like a binomial maybe?

bought Ṁ4 less than 4 years YES

@sc yeah, similar sort of idea, I guess I basically just mean something that rises then falls with a single peak, rather than continuous increase/decrease

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