In the Destiny v Ben Shapiro debate, will Destiny speak faster than Ben Shapiro?
resolved Feb 1

The intent of this question is to determine over the duration of the whole debate, who will say a higher number of words per unit time that they are speaking.

I will wait for reddit user /u/shoehorn_staple to post a post-game analysis of debate, and compare WPM of the debaters. If no post-game analysis is posted, I will resort to the test described in strike-through below

This would be quite painful to calculate, so I will be using the following test while being open to changing it to come closer to the intent of the question.

When the full debate video is out (presumably on Lex Fridman's youtube channel) I will do the following once for Destiny, then once for Ben Shapiro:

  1. Use a random number generator to generate 10 random timestamps in the video

  2. Seek to each random timestamp

  3. For each timestamp, find the first segment after the timestamp where the debater in question speaks for at least 10 seconds uninterrupted. If no such segment exists after the timestamp, the timestamp will be regenerated. The segment starts when the debater starts talking, and end when they stop or are interrupted.

  4. For these segments, I will calculate the total number of words said over all 10 segments, then divide by the total time of all segments. This will be the debater's speaking speed.

Resolves to YES if Destiny's speaking speed, as calculated above, is higher then Ben Shapiro's.

Resolves NO if Ben Shapiro's is higher.

The closing date of this market will be extended until the debate occurs and is available to watch, until a maximum date of EOY 2024, at which point this will resolve N/A.

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I was hoping to get an analysis from the guy that normally does them, but it's been quite a while now. I was hesitant to use the one by reddit user anclepodas, mostly cause it's based on the transcript and they had to make some decisions on what to count/not count, and given how close it is between Destiny and Ben, there is a (remote) possibility that it could make a difference. Regardless, that analysis is much better than the test I would have done myself so I'll resolve based on that. Also we have no idea about shoehorn_staple's methodology either so it's all arbitrary I guess.

predicted YES

@pkpr see the discussion below, seems like destiny won

Who was right, Destiny or Ben Shapiro?

bought Ṁ51 of YES

Destiny talked faster.

bought Ṁ88 of NO

@CogitoMachina where did you pull this from?

bought Ṁ150 of NO

@CogitoMachina Does this factor in speaking time? Or just words per minute of video?

bought Ṁ51 of YES
bought Ṁ30 of NO

😂 love the tag

bought Ṁ22 YES at 93%
bought Ṁ60 of NO

@shankypanky So far Shapiro is way quicker (11 minutes in so far, of 140 minutes lol)

@SirCryptomind I think that's the natural state tbh - I'll see how it goes (trying to balance with a day job like a sucker) but I think Shapiro is inherently a much faster speaker overall? That's kind of a vibes-based and not at all scientific view though lol

predicted YES
bought Ṁ50 of NO

@Tumbles Why is he shitstirring this market so much 😭

actually scratch this stupid comment

bought Ṁ30 of YES

on reddit user shoehorn_staple usually does a post-game analysis for debates, e.g. here is his analysis for the recent Cenk debate:

Using those numbers would be more reliable and it's less work for you. ... and if no post-game analysis is posted, we can fall back to your original method.

predicted YES

@Agh Fantastic. I never realized these were so detailed. I'll definitely just use that.