Will I consider posting questions on Manifold a good way to get answers to these questions by the end of 2023?
resolved Dec 30

Feb 3, 4:47pm: Will I consider posting questions on Manifold a good way to get answers to those questions by the end of 2023? → Will I consider posting questions on Manifold a good way to get answers to these questions by the end of 2023?

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Prediction markets aren't magic, they're tools, and tools can (maybe, maybe not) be improved. Any ideas or thoughts on why manifold isn't useful, or how it could be better?

How does this resolve?

wait.... is this a self referential market? Are the "these questions" in question, questions which have already been posted by you on Manifold by the end of 2023 (such as this market), or are the "these questions" future, not yet posted questions, that you may post in 2024 subsequent to your personal evaluation of your sentiment with respect to the quality of answers Manifold delivers to questions in general, your questions specifically, or hypothetical as yet unasked questions?

What’s been your experience so far?

@ian unfortunately, mana$ don't motivate people that much and the markets don't get engagement, subsidising them doesn't really help

predicted YES

@ms You can try taking out an ad, soon they'll will be incorporated into the feed as well!

@ian taking out an ad?

@ian oh, cool! Will do that

@ian that didn't seem to work

@ms It’s tough for me to bring myself to bet on markets asking about how someone will change their beliefs because it’s too easy to game. I think if you create questions with an object that is more idk objective that would get the engagement to rise. You know what I mean?

@BTE agree with this