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Mihawk at an all-time high!

I made a stonks dashboard so you can see all the stonks relative to each other:

predicts BUY


Always bet on Mihawk

Always gotta invest in the goat

predicts BUY

This is cope, there is no such thing as a Hakiman.

Worlds strongest Hakieye>Rathaired snitch

Investing in this man is always a rollercoaster

predicts SHORT

Mihawk is not that guy and will never be that guy. He's confirmed Commander level.

predicts BUY

@DigglyWiggly Mihawk is Kuzan level? Splendid.

predicts BUY

@DigglyWiggly So shanks<Commanders

predicts BUY
one piece shichibukai GIF
predicts BUY
one piece GIF
predicts BUY

Elbaf Prediction: Shanks stock crashes while Mihawk goes after the one piece with Wuggy

predicts BUY

Shanks loses to Kid in Elbaf

predicts BUY

Almost doubling the investment in Mihawk

@BlaxBlah Wihawk


Chadhawk ❤ WWS goated

Shanks Inferior is def gonna be top 3 in the verse

predicts SHORT

Its funny trying to see why people are buying stock on the zoro victim

predicts BUY

@JustinNorman Because this stock is undervalued af. Even if you believe Mihauk isn't going to me in the top 5 in the world, he is definetely above current Zoro and slightly below EOS Zoro.

Nobody near that level has stocks so undervalued, and the only reason Mihauk does is because the Fraudhauk spammers won't accept nuance. It's not too late to shift

predicts SHORT

@AlexMartinez mihawk is overvalued. The man has no good feats, leeches, and runs away from everyone

predicts BUY

This is ridiculous, Coby is higher than this after stopping one (1) attack from a BB follower

@AlexMartinez Koby has feats. Fraudhawk does not.

predicts SHORT

@DigglyWiggly and that "feat" is something even Dressrosa Zoro could do. Coby is a fraud and an embarrassment but backed by asspull powers.

predicts SHORT

@getrekt Koby's Hachinosu feats > Dressrosa Zoro

predicts SHORT

@DigglyWiggly lmao delusional one piece fan at it again. Coby is so useless his mentor has to sacrifice himself for him, possibly the only character in the series who got saved by 3 yonkos at different times of the story. Crybaby Loby needs asspulls to survive.

predicts SHORT

@getrekt You mention feats, but the second I challenge you on it you switch to "Koby had to get saved"? I could mention all of the times that Luffy, or Zoro, or X character needed to be saved, but I'm not going to. This isn't the place for arguments.

predicts SHORT

@DigglyWiggly you still haven't told me how crybaby Loby has better feats than dressrosa Zoro. Furthermore I don't remember Dressrosa Zoro being so lame that he had to cry for his mentee to come and help him. Asspull Loby however... lmao

predicts SHORT

@getrekt As I said, this isn't the place for arguments. You won't find one here with me, especially not with your toxic attitude.

predicts BUY

@AlexMartinez Coby has less haters so there’s less people shorting him

predicts SHORT

@DigglyWiggly just say you are a delusional mf with 0 points to present whatsoever and can't get off Coby 's wimpy d.