Will I have solved every single CSES problem (excluding additional problems) by end of 2023
resolved Dec 31

Problems: https://cses.fi/problemset/list

Here's my progress so far (I cut out the last few rows that correspond to addional problems):

For reference here's a little boy doing all (all the the problem set has changed somewhat) but "advanced techniques" and "additional problems" in 12 hours: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZ_6MS14Mg4

I will not look up any answers, but I might study well-known techniques like variations on segments trees or computatonal geometry techniques.

I will not bet in this market.

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considering that only [262 out of 117707 users](https://cses.fi/problemset/stats/p/9) have completed any 223 tasks (the number of problems in the set excluding additional problems), I would say this is very unlikely.

the "little boy" levi posted in the link won the IOI and @levifinkelstein is incomparable to him

@ii You should keep in mind that levi has done ~120 problems, which already puts him close to the top 1% on CSES https://cses.fi/problemset/stats/p/64, rank 1900/117707.

bought Ṁ10 of YES

@levifinkelstein Do you have to do the advanced techniques for this to resolve YES?

predicted NO

How many have you done now?

predicted YES

@hmys He's done 111, right @levifinkelstein ?

predicted NO
bought Ṁ25 of NO

Hmmm. I think you will be able to do it. I got the NOs from a lootbox.

predicted YES

did some more

@levifinkelstein “I will not bet in this market”


.. smh.. back to old tricks

predicted YES

@Gen whats the trick?

predicted YES

@Gen oh forgot i added that, will sell