Before the end of 2023, will another Friday prod push cause major problems on Manifold?
resolved Nov 6

This is considered bad manners if you have on-call SREs (or users).

Friday or weekend.

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bought Ṁ500 of YES

Ok tried to do my homework on this one, and found that the manifold team helpfully provided a timeline for the subsidy glitch this weekend!

Seems like it was indeed on friday that the final button was pressed which unsubsidized everything on the site, if I'm reading this right?

bought Ṁ300 of YES

@Joshua Great, that makes sense. So David's changes were never actually deployed by themselves, and only went live after a deploy was triggered for unrelated changes, which happened on Friday.

Minor timeline correction: "PR was submitted Th night" should read "PR was merged Tues night". When it was submitted (3 weeks ago) isn't relevant, the relevant date is when it was merged, that was Tues night (link to PR).

@chrisjbillington I think I can resolve yes then, right? Or is there still doubt somewhere?

bought Ṁ500 of YES

@jskf Nope, seems pretty clear to me, I think it can resolve.

bought Ṁ500 of YES

Yeah the staff notes do say "be careful about pushing changes on Friday"

predicted YES

Oh, and a comment from Sinclair just now

predicted NO

To be clear, which perhaps matters in terms of the spirit of the market, the PR wasn't merged on friday.

predicted YES


If this gets unresolved on a technicality, I will fully deserve it

@ian For this market, what I care about is that someone did something to prod on Friday, such that if they hadn't, the problem would not have occurred during the weekend.

predicted NO

The market is about the time of the "prod push", not PR merge. So I think the resolution is accurate.


@Stralor What was the prod push last week?

predicted YES

@oh unsure on the commits but magically trader bonuses have disappeared

@Stralor Yes, if the problem was caused by something someone did to prod on Friday I will count it here.

See also:

bought Ṁ80 of NO

Looks like it's new policy not to make large friday changes.

bought Ṁ10 of YES

No big database changes.

bought Ṁ20 of NO

I have faith in the team. Lessons will be learned.

I assume this means that a change on Thursday that is not resolved on the weekend will not count?


bought Ṁ50 of YES

I do like me a few free marbles.