Nikki is an energetic, 60lb, half german-shepherd. She's healthy, eats twice a day, and very cuddly.
Preferred dates: March 15 - June 15ish (with flexibility on both ends)
Preferred locations: Austin, but she can brought to you.
Resolves YES if somone who has learned of Nikki only through this market (i.e. excluding me and Nikki's owner) helps find Nikki a home.
Resolves NO if noone here helps find Nikki a home.
I added a M$200 limit order at 5% for those interested in helping Nikki out.
- correct
- I believe @CatThuNguyenHuu is (maybe?) offering a few hundred bucks
- Must be in the US, the closer to Austin the better
- This resolves YES if a manifold user takes care of her for the few months.
It's possible that she has already worked something out, I'll ask Cat.
@BTE farther than preferred but definitely not too far! I can hire a dog transport company to bring her there
@CatThuNguyenHuu Wow! Is she okay with other dogs and cats? They are all very friendly!! And much smaller lol!
@BTE she loves dogs (but sometimes they don't love her because she has too much energy), loves people, and I don't think she's ever seen a cat...