Conditional on Manifold markets being mentioned in an NYT article in 2023, will @Joshua be in it?
resolved Oct 8

This market is conditional on the following being a YES resolution. If its not, this one resolves to N/A

A screenshot with Joshua's profile or a comment by @Joshua or text directly mentioning Joshua etc are all valid. If they do not use the handle (i.e. @) but still mention the person, it counts. Only this Joshua counts, other Joshuas are not eligible for this market. Which Joshua is being talked about will be determined from the context, if it happens.

If only partially visible or mentioned, it will still count. Example: a screenshot where Joshua's profile picture is cut in half, or only profile pic is visible but name is not, etc

For example, if the following screenshot appears in the NYT article, it will resolve this market to YES, due to Joshua's related market appearing on the right hand side.

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After getting the NYT coverage in the first half of this month, will @Joshua close the month feeling good?

predicted YES

Of course they had to quote me about being competitive 😅

predicted YES

with your dozens of trades

predicted YES
Arrested Development Tobias GIF
predicted YES

@Joshua I had no idea you were so hardcore! Heck, you’re only 4th in Masters League.

predicted YES

I was #1 when he was interviewing me 😭

josh was super friendly and informative in the convo with the reporter I was present for (as he always is). I'm kinda hoping all the spicy shit I said doesn't get quoted tho