Last price (will try to update every day after close): 2023-03-06 15:40 EST $153.88 (day's low $153.46 09:50)
Resolves after the first regular trading session (09:30-16:00 EST) since market creation (2023-03-01) during which the price stayed above $150 (YES) or below $140 (NO) for the whole session. In other words, the first time one of these is the case after close:
Resolves YES if AAPL intraday low > $150
Resolves NO if AAPL intraday high < $140
Reference is publicly-quoted intraday high/low, adjusted for any future stock splits (e.g. if it splits 2:1 at $144 then quoted prices next day would be $72 post split but would not cause it to resolve NO since reference price for this market would be x2).
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# | Name | Total profit |
1 | Ṁ50 | |
2 | Ṁ35 | |
3 | Ṁ5 |
If this is too much of a gamble for your taste, perhaps you prefer these:
@ChristopherRandles i see it, but i can’t see it from the private group. is it from there?
@ChristopherRandles those two would be horribly bad continuations by black. The correct one (assuming traditional rules) is 7… e6 or Nh6.
@deagol yes it was created from private group but I can't see it from there either which seems a bit useless. Thanks for creating question.