Will the US government confirm the existence of aliens on Earth before the end of 2023?
resolved Jan 1

Resolves Yes if any US government agency provides an official statement that extraterrestrial intelligent life exists on earth.

Jan 11, 12:39am: Will the US government confirm the existence of aliens before the end of 2023? โ†’ Will the US government confirm the existence of aliens on Earth before the end of 2023?

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The year might've changed, but the questions in people's minds did not

Not only are the UFOs not from aliens, I doubt the government would say that even if they were.

predicted YES

I want to believe ๐Ÿ‘พbet YES as a hedge against species destruction. All of you supposed "nerds" are focused on the wrong x-risk threat.

@shorty Bet no as a hedge against aliens not existing

predicted NO

@shorty maybe you should bet here

predicted YES

I believe

Does extra terrestrial mean also ancient life? ancient earth did have a different atmosphere.

There's really no reason for this market to be spiking so much if people don't think the latest news is going to be confirmed:

ayy lmao


The title is a bit much misleading. What about aliens in other planets ?

Edit: addressed by the market creator