Will AI wipe out humanity before the year 2025?

If humanity is still around on Jan 1, 2025, then this market resolves to NO. Otherwise resolves to YES.

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yeah right, then only 9 months left for armageddon

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bought Ṁ0 of NO

@Fedor This exists? Manifold search has failed me again

bought Ṁ5 of YES

@firstuserhere Yeah, the search does tend to fail you, so I deduct you no minus points for duplicating the market.

predicts YES

@firstuserhere Funny thing, once you create the market, THEN it's in the top of the side bar for related markets 🤣

@Fedor lol yeah

bought Ṁ100 of NO

Why do you duplicate this market?

@Zardoru i saw a market for 2030, for even 2026, but didn't see market for 2025, so made one to see how short the timelines go acc to people

@firstuserhere there is none for 2023, or better yet end of this month in time for leagues S2

@deagol There is now - only 6 months remain, will it all end?

@deagol I was tricked!

sold Ṁ1 of YES

@firstuserhere i said this year (i.e. Jul-Nov) not next 😂

@deagol As you wish

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