AMPLIFIED ODDS 20x: Will a new pandemic break out before 2024?
resolved Jan 12

If it is discovered after the following january I might not take it into account.


if it would otherwise resolve no I will resolve n/a with 19/20 probability instead.

You can calculate the amplified price(YES') from the probability(YES) using the formula: YES' = YES/(YES + (1-YES)/20)

As explained in: AMPLIFIED ODDS 100x: Will a nuclear weapon be launched in combat by the end of 2023? | Manifold Markets

Conversion graph:

Conversion Table:

Probability | Amplified price

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Resolves N/A


@AndrewG your random number is: 19

Salt: KT91ylmnpksfLJ8eYalG, round: 3655556 (signature a61af1abfa30d4de3372130e405c9ccfd7b21ee8f83e41aa9d42d2b6680caa71c09d0e0db5b5eeb5c74d3724547be00e07402d6f26564add838b8d8f1d3931f71945ec99432ba572b813a55556be3f6681f62da54c40fa36ed2c1d4b7bdc4d48)


@AndrewG you asked for a random integer between 1 and 20, inclusive. Coming up shortly!

Source: GitHub, previous round: 3655554 (latest), offset: 2, selected round: 3655556, salt: KT91ylmnpksfLJ8eYalG.

I'll run fairly random between 1 and 20; 7 maintains the NO resolution and everything else resolves N/A

Delegating to different Mod.

@SirCryptomind wait what? Did you roll the die?

@AndrewG So what are you saying N/A?
Markets which may be unlisted, N/A’d or deleted=
Markets that resolve to something purely random/gambling-like.

@SirCryptomind shouldn't this market have resolved N/A with 95% probability

@AndrewG Feel free to re-resolve. I don't understand what you mean.
I felt it was just a straightforward NO out of spirit of the market, or an N/A per Community Guidelines. I went with the straightforward NO.

@SirCryptomind the spirit of the market would resolve N/A with 95% probability, if I'm understanding amplified odds correctly

@AndrewG It is fine, I will delegate to you since you understand it. Apologies for any hassle I caused.

@SirCryptomind sounds good!

bought Ṁ50 of NO

WHO has not declared any new pandemics so far. This should be way lower.

What counts as a "pandemic" here?

@AndrewG Eh, I don't have a clearer definition yet. Though a WHO declaration should certainly be sufficient.

AMPLIFIED ODDS 20x: Will a new pandemic break out before 2024?, 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition

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