Will a flat earther be elected to a state or federal office in the U.S. by the end of 2028?

Resolves YES if anyone who openly believes that the Earth is flat is elected to any position in the U.S. Congress or state assemblies, the U.S. presidency or vice-presidency, or any statewide elected position, before this market closes. It will also count if any elected official meeting those criteria is revealed to believe that the Earth is flat, either by public admission, a leak, or investigative reporting. If any such official is revealed to have believed that Earth is flat before they were elected, this will resolve YES if they are asked about it and do not clearly state that they no longer believe the Earth is flat.

Resolves NO if this market closes and I cannot find any evidence that any elected official believed that the Earth is flat while this market was open.

If someone finds an example from before this market was open, and the official is still in office, this market will resolve YES if they still believe that the Earth is flat.

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doesn’t mtg already believe the earth is flat?

@angeluspolitian If you can find evidence that she has said this and still believes it, it would be sufficient to resolve this YES.

@JosephNoonan i may be confusing her with someone else but i will check

@angeluspolitian I wouldn't be that surprised. I feel like I recall something about her being adjacent to some flat earth conspiracy theories, but I don't know if she ever actually endorsed them. It might just be that, given all the other crazy things she believes/has believed, she gets called a flat earther in the metaphorical sense.

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