Conditional on Manifold having a fursona by the standards of this market, what type of animal will it be?
@SirSalty I am getting the, "APIError: Negative payouts too large for resolution. Contact admin," when I try to resolve this N/A.
Argument for crane: This is the obvious choice, given that Manifold's logo is already a paper crane.
Argument for fox: Manifold is a prediction site, and "foxes" (from Isaiah Berlin's essay "The Hedgehog and the Fox") refer to people who draw from a wide variety of ideas rather than seeing the world through a single lens. There is evidence that foxes are better predictors than hedgehogs, making the fox a natural symbol for a prediction site.
Argument for feline: https://manifold.markets/JosephNoonan/will-manifold-markets-have-a-furson#VgyUeiDWydLZqyuaZkzS