Which Part of a Full Stack A.I. Workflow Will Become The Most Breakout In 2023?
resolved Feb 1
Feature Storage - Feast https://github.com/feast-dev/feast
Model Serving - BentoML https://github.com/bentoml/BentoML
Model Serving - Kserve https://github.com/kserve/kserve
Model Serving - PredictionIO https://github.com/apache/predictionio
Model Versioning - DVC https://github.com/iterative/dvc
Model Versioning - ClearML https://github.com/allegroai/clearml
Model Versioning - Catalyst https://github.com/catalyst-team/catalyst
Training Tracking & Eval - https://github.com/pycaret/pycaret
Training Tracking & Eval - Determined https://github.com/determined-ai/determined
Training Tracking & Eval - https://github.com/aimhubio/aim
Workflow Scheduling - Airflow https://github.com/apache/airflow
Workflow Scheduling - Kedro https://github.com/kedro-org/kedro
Workflow Scheduling - Luigi https://github.com/spotify/luigi
Workflow Scheduling - Pachyderm https://github.com/pachyderm/pachyderm
Feature Storage - HopsWorks https://github.com/logicalclocks/hopsworks

The launch of ChatGPT has demonstrated the immense potential of Large Language Models, making it impossible for business leaders to ignore the importance of ML/AI.

While product development conversations can be dynamic and fluid, at the end of the day, developers must create code that works, compiling into results that can be displayed on screens, which means actual software .

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Which Part of a Full Stack Machine Learning Workflow Will Become The Most Breakout In 2023, measured by Github Star growth in a particular repo?

This page gives a good breakdown of various systems within an AI or ML productionalization architecture. We could grab repo's from here and track and bet on those: https://github.com/EthicalML/awesome-production-machine-learning#quick-links-to-sections-in-this-page

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Here's what I've got so far, DVC seems to be in the lead from the various technologies I could tell.

bought Ṁ1 of Feature Storage - ht...

Using this tool: https://seladb.github.io/StarTrack-js/#/ I analyzed feature store as well. FeatureForm appears to have purchased fraudulent stars...?

Doing an analysis of everything so far, taking out the ETL's we get: https://star-history.com/#argoproj/argo-workflows&kserve/kserve&bentoml/BentoML&iterative/dvc&allegroai/clearml&catalyst-team/catalyst&aimhubio/aim&determined-ai/determined&pycaret/pycaret&Date ... which, DVC and Argo seem to have the most momentum behind them, having started earlier. The nest top, Pycaret, actually appears to be a super lightweight competitor to MLFlow and Kubeflow, working as a wrapper around Python, so it might not be considered purely a, "training application," as it does have some functions which allow for saving to the cloud. However, it might be designed more for rapid prototyping rather than full production use, but that could also be why it's more popular. BentoML appears to be beating out KServe, and ClearML appears to be narrowly beating out AIM and both appear to be well ahead of Determined. Within model and data versioning, Catalyst appears more limited in scope than DVC which has effectively no competitors.

For this reason I'm putting most of my bets on Pycaret, which appears to be the most breakout tool at the moment ... prototyping, citizen data science.

bought Ṁ1 of Training Tracking & ...
bought Ṁ1 of Model Versioning - D...
bought Ṁ1 of Model Serving - Bent...

Here's the star history of the Model Serving Group:

We can look at star history by looking at something like this: https://star-history.com/#feast-dev/feast&Date

bought Ṁ1 of Feature Storage - Fe...

This page gives a good breakdown of various systems within an AI or ML productionalization architecture. We could grab repo's from here and track and bet on those: https://github.com/EthicalML/awesome-production-machine-learning#quick-links-to-sections-in-this-page

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