Each Answer Resolves to probability 7 years after the launch of ChatGPT.
Please add answers. Each will resolve to their probability.
Less specific statements will be N/A'd in favor of more specific statements of the same category as they get posted, with caveats explained in examples. So for example, if you post, "Genomics," vs., something specific about Genomics, then the parent category Genomics will get N/A'd if someone else posts something specific about Genomics that becomes, "true," e.g. 51% or above. However, merely top posting a prediction for the sake of attempting to N/A another, e.g. let' say it's a spurious addition, in which the following occurs Genomics -> Computational Genomics Applied to Pharmacy -> Computational Genomics Applied to Pharmacy, But Only Blue Pills ... then the new, spurious prediction will be N/A'd in favor of the parent.
@PatrickDelaney possibly humanoid robotics/general purpose robotics (able to perform a wide variety of tasks with little configuration necessary)